Star Atlas (ATLAS) & Star Atlas DAO (POLIS)
Publier à 2021-09-03
Star Atlas (ATLAS)
Project: Star Atlas
Token: ATLAS
Star Atlas is a virtual gaming metaverse based in the year 2620. In this distant future, three major factions have emerged, in an ongoing struggle for resources, territorial conquest, and political domination. Players can join a faction, directly influence the course of the metaverse, and earn real-world income for their contributions.
Known as the payment token, ATLAS is used as a medium of exchange in the Star Atlas economy. The token is inflationary by design and aims to match the growth of the in-game economy. Additionally, it was primarily made to provide a solid monetary base for in-game economical interactions and onramps to enter the game.
Total Supply: 36,000,000,000 ATLAS
Official Website: https://staratlas.com/
Whitepaper: https://staratlas.com/white-paper.pdf
Blockchain Explorer:https://explorer.solana.com/address/ATLASXmbPQxBUYbxPsV97usA3fPQYEqzQBUHgiFCUsXx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/staratlas
Telegram: https://t.me/staratlasgame
Medium: https://medium.com/star-atlas
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarAtlas/
Star Atlas DAO (POLIS)
Project: Star Atlas DAO
Token: POLIS
POLIS is the platform’s governance token and is used for all decision-making regarding the project’s development. Token holders nearly have all the voting power in the DAO, treasury control, and financial stake in the game. As of now, POLIS has a fixed supply that is unchangeable, unless governance decides otherwise in the future.
Total Supply: 360,000,000 POLIS
Official Website: https://staratlas.com/
Whitepaper: https://staratlas.com/white-paper.pdf
Blockchain Explorer:https://explorer.solana.com/address/poLisWXnNRwC6oBu1vHiuKQzFjGL4XDSu4g9qjz9qVk
Twitter: https://twitter.com/staratlas
Telegram: https://t.me/staratlasgame
Medium: https://medium.com/star-atlas
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarAtlas/