Blockchain Exchange Alliance (BXA)
Publier à 2019-01-14
Project:Blockchain Exchange Alliance
As a technology-oriented digital financial institution, BXA places huge emphasis on regulatory compliance and plans to leverage our global network of cryptocurrency exchanges as a pivot. Our existing infrastructure, such as fiat-to-crypto currency gateways, intimate knowledge of financial regulations and massive userbase, enables BXA to break through the high technical threshold, create fiat-to-crypto trading platforms with deep liquidity and offer a wealth of digital financial services (such as cryptocurrency trading, real-time payment network, security token offering and circulation, and other financial derivatives). Our vision is to establish a smart economy with efficient value transfer.
Total Amount:20,000,000,000
Blockchain Explorer:https://etherscan.io/address/0x98d8d146e644171cd47ff8588987b7bdeef72a87
Official Website:https://www.bxa.com/
White Paper:https://cdn.bxa.global/whitepaper.pdf